1:1 Programmes

Confident Tweens & Confident Teenagers
Empowering and confidence coaching programmes which aim to;
Grow a personal toolbox to deal with everyday challenges and decision-making
Identify goals and design action plans to achieve them
Increase self-awareness and build resilience
Develop self-leadership and homework motivation/techniques
Improve body confidence and enjoy physical activity
Enhance communication and listening skills
Explore the benefits and disadvantages of social media and mobile phones
Also included in CONFIDENT TWEENS
Urban SMART – personal, street and travel safety
Explore the benefits & disadvantages of social media and mobile phones
Identify toxic relationships and avoid playground drama
Smooth transition to secondary school
Identify toxic relationships and find your tribe
Explore career, education and travel opportunities
GCSE / A Levels – subject choice and revision motivation
Boost job and university application success
(These programmes use a bespoke variety of practical and theory exercises and can be delivered face to face or by Skype/Zoom)
10 months £799. Monthly one-to-one sessions, with telephone and email support between sessions, monthly action plan and full of valuable resources, a reading/podcast list and practical exercises. Includes free attendance to 2 workshops or online masterclasses throughout the year.
5 months £399. Monthly one-to-one sessions, with email support between sessions, action plans to complete and full of valuable resources, a reading/podcast list and practical exercises. Includes free attendance to 1 workshop or online masterclass throughout the year.
2½ hour intensive coaching £149. A personal and in-depth session, with comprehensive action plan to follow after, including valuable resources, a reading/podcast list and practical exercises. Follow-up call to discuss progress.
Hourly coaching sessions £85 per hour. An action plan and practical exercises included.

Public Speaking & Interview Success
If you have a fear of public speaking (it happens to us all!) or want to perform in your next interview, then this is the programme for you!
A variety of fun practical exercises, some psychology exploring why you feel the way you do (we all have embarrassing stories) and a good dose of cheerleading will help you challenge your comfort zone, overcome your fears and ensure you approach your next presentation or interview with an increased level of confidence!
We’ll work on several areas; content, delivery, body language, Q&A and even your “stage uniform”. Leave behind those limiting beliefs and previous horror stories – you never know, you might find you enjoy public speaking after all!
£80 – for a quick practise run of your presentation or a confidence booster the night before an interview
£149 – intensive coaching session (2.5 hrs) with an action/improvement plan
£399 – 3 sessions (2 hrs each) with action/improvement plans
(This programme uses a bespoke variety of practical and theory exercises and can be delivered face to face or by Skype/Zoom)

We provide fun & engaging PSHE workshops to schools, youth organisations, small businesses, sports clubs, community groups, charities and as public events.
Please see our events page for upcoming dates or contact us to discuss your requirements.
Our workshops include;
Goal-Setting & Vision Boards
Public Speaking
Fear of Failure
Interview Technique & Success
We also run outdoor group activities – whatever the weather! These sessions increase confidence, build resilience and improve social skills. The activities are held in different locations around Battle, East Sussex and include woodland fieldcraft, navigation skills, assault courses, shelter building, sporting and team challenges and leadership exercises;
WOODLAND WARRIORS (girls aged 8 – 13)
SQUAD (boys aged 8 – 13)
1066 Country Walks (mixed aged 10 – 18)
“SMART” Series Workshops – NEW for 2020/2021 academic year
Urban SMART – street safety, public transport & personal security
Secondary SMART – transition from primary to secondary school
Social Media SMART – benefits v pitfalls, reality v fake
Friendship SMART – avoid the drama of toxic friendships and find your tribe
Confidence SMART – self-esteem, body confidence, moral courage & public speaking
Leadership SMART – exploring styles of leadership, including self-leadership and followership
(Many of our workshops can be run as an individual session or in more depth over several sessions/weeks)
S.T.A.R.S (social enterprise)

We need your help to support young people!
If you would like to sponsor and support these initiatives please get in touch. We have a waiting list of young people living in our local community who would greatly benefit from attending our workshops, training and mentoring schemes.
We believe that young people should be given the chance to fulfil their potential and achieve success, regardless of their social and family background. This is why we are working with local businesses and individual sponsors to ensure as many young people as possible can access our confidence-building services. We offer free places on all our workshops and outdoor activities, provide long term mentoring to students aged 14 – 18 in collaboration with local schools (at no cost to the individual) and organise training courses to develop the leadership, social and practical skills of young people.
By acting as role models, critical friends and cheerleaders to these promising young people, we are witnessing some fantastic results.
Emma* is 1 of 6 children and her mum, a single parent, has 2 jobs. As a result, Emma collects her younger siblings from school and looks after them until the evening, cooking their dinner and doing the household chores, etc.
She was a shy girl, with low self-esteem and had no real aspiration or direction in her life. We were able to mentor and support her through year 11, increase her confidence, provide her with career advice and show her all the different post-16 options that were available to her.
As a result, she developed her soft skills, became motivated about her studies, is excited about her future and is now off to college to study a course which she thought “people like her didn’t do”!
If you would like to sponsor and support these initiatives please get in touch. We have a waiting list of young people living in our local community who would greatly benefit from attending our workshops, training and mentoring schemes.
* Name has been changed to protect the mentee’s identity